Overview Offer
Video & Animation
Communication & Storytelling
Graphic & Illustration
Branding & Design
Video & Animation
Product explaining videos
I explain your product in a short, entertaining video. Your message convinces with exciting storytelling, appealing design and high-quality workmanship. This can be done through pure animations or a real film footage, into which I add animation.
Tutorial Videos
Nobody knows your product better than you and your team. Step in front of the camera for instructions, background information and use cases in action. Generate content with a personal touch for online marketing, training or sales demos. Next stop: Hollywood!
Informative Animation
Do not underestimate the power of a 2-dimensional image to explain a complex process! Illustrate with the help of skillful animation, just like Disney did, and use the charm of hand drawings to break down initial reservations.
Simplified Communication reduces Complexity
Exciting Storytelling
Charming sensors that break hearts with the blink of an eye, powerful software that unites empires, self-confident virus protection that runs the largest hospital – involve your customers into a world that guides them through all your communication.
Plain Layout
My document designs visualize your message according to three criterias: aesthetical visualization, avoidance of pointless animations and as little text as possible. Your audience then focusses on the presented content and associates the quality of the design with your brand. This is just as convincing at conferences and sales talks as it is in training courses.
Communication Guide
Your customers should experience your brand the way you would like them to. Sort your business and bring a common line to your communication. Use a consistent and clear message for your external communication.
Grafik & Illustration
Upgraded Papers & Worksheet
Who says that spreadsheets, reports and white papers cannot tell stories? Infographics provide a quick overview, while mascots guide you through the document. I glamorize documents which fit your business, and may be sent as (interactive) PDFs.
Mascots with Charm
Let a fictional employee present your content, which lives in the world you created for your client. I design characters with recognition value at the right level between entertainment and seriousness.
‘Beautify it!’
No matter whether it is graphics, video or an explanation – just send it, I will take care of the rest!
Branding & Design
Logo & Style Guide
Present yourself with an authentical design. The look and feel of your brand ranges from colors, fonts, logos, documents, etc. and is summarized in a stylesheet (= one page) or style guide (= several pages).
Branded Communication
The communicated content and the way of communication are summarized and brought to the point. In future, the text in this document will form the base of the content communicated via various measures or campaigns and is therefore as important for a brand as the style guide.
Web Concept
I design your website and visual elements of the UID according to your ideas. Ultimately, you have a document in your hands that sorts your ideas, puts them into shape and can be handed over for implementation.